"Surprise, they're not sea spider"

    In my fourth blog, I will talk about one of my favorite animals: octopus. 

    The octopus is a marine animal with eight limbs, three hearts and a brain, however, it has no bones, it is an invertebrate. It is an animal that has many ways of escaping from its predators, given its limbs and its great intelligence. In addition to using his eight "arms", he also uses his ink tank to escape from his adversaries, such as marine predators or human predators.

They feed on smaller animals, such as molluscs and algae. 

Although it is assumed that they are sea spiders, because of their "eight arms", there are actually six arms and two legs, one of which is their reproductive organ that helps them to mate with females of the same species.
    Personally, I love octopuses. Their shape, their skills and their varied species, are what catch my eye the most. 
There are octopuses that, to escape their predators, camouflage themselves with their surroundings, clinging to stones, algae or even sand.

    Unlike squid (which are often confused), octopuses do not have a mantle covering their circular head and have no fins, only arms and legs.
    So... Surprise, they're not sea spiders, they're just octopuses.

    In conclusion, I love octopuses, they're very beautiful.


  1. I think they are amazing. When I was a child, I used a lot "encarta" and I watched videos of octopuses all day haha. Really cool animals!


  2. how incredible the characteristics of octopuses!, I never thought they could have 3 hearts,
    the shape of the octopus is unique, I'm surprised!!

  3. They are amazing, also in internet are videos of octopuses escaping for little places and is crazy how they are capables to do that, like in this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3N0i_KM8cI

  4. Wow, I got shocked when you said they have 6 arms and 2 legs :O I would never imagine that, it is really amazing!

  5. wow! I am very surprised by the characteristics they have as it is an animal that I knew little about. It reminds me of the "Octopus Paul" of the 2010 World Cup that was famous for predicting soccer results.


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