"Identity is not easy to identify"

    Hi! In my fifth post I want to talk about the work I want to do in the future.
It is difficult to talk about the identity of native peoples. These native peoples have been exterminated by colonialism and the Chilean state. However, what I want to do is to help Chilean society understand the existence of the native peoples of the south of the country. However, what I want to do is to help Chilean society understand the existence of the native peoples of the south of the country.
    Specifically, my work would make the native peoples not only recognized, but also understood.
    The most fun part of it is that it's a field job, so I'll be constantly on the move, on something I really love. All this has a lot of travel, because it is constantly studying the native peoples and their lives. 
    As it is difficult to talk about identity, it is also difficult to talk about salary: currently, in the State of Chile, who would pay for a study that talks about the indigenous genocide? It is very complicated to talk about all this in a society where it is not interested. 
    When studying something related to indigenous cultures, it is essential to contemplate anthropology, the career I am studying. Something I'm really passionate about. Is there anything as entertaining as cultures other than your own? But not in a paternalistic way or above other peoples, but as an equal to me. It's very important to stop seeing today's society as being above the native peoples.
    One of the people that I like to study and then want to develop better is the Selk'nam people, people from the extreme south of the continent. People that I really like very much and which I want to study deeply.

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  1. It is great that you are interested in working on the recognition of native peoples.
    I agree with you that it is difficult to talk about the identity of the native peoples in Chile, but it is highly necessary in order to repair the damage that has been caused to them. That is why I am very happy that there are people like you who dare to take the first step so that the native peoples can be recognized as they deserve.

  2. I think your future work will be incredible! It is great that you want to re-divide our native and anesthetic peoples. I hope that in the future you will enjoy traveling and getting to know our beautiful south a lot.


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