"The flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane in another part of the world"

    Hello again, in this post, apparently the last one, I will talk about a topic that I love. It won't be the music this time. It will be a theory that I have been studying for almost 4 years: the "chaos theory" or better known as "the butterfly effect". The theory explains that every event can trigger even bigger events, giant consequences with other people, facts or things. Have you ever heard the phrase "everything happens for a reason", well, chaos theory would explain that premise.

    How? Let's say I decide not to write this blog, my mark is deficient in English and I will have to repeat the course next semester, I will not have a free scholarship, therefore I will have to leave the university. 

    It ends up in uncontrollable events over time. This, on a small scale, is even more complicated when studying on a global scale, where everything that happens in Australia could have repercussions in Europe, how? who knows.The way to explain this on a large scale is the phrase: "The flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane in another part of the world". 

    This can be better understood with "all our actions have an impact on the future", because just as in the image there are points that represent our actions, we always return to the same point in the infinity of life.

    We always come back to the same place from where we started with our acts. 
Try to remember how you got to this point in your life: what choices did you make? what paths did you take? what did you say or do? By answering these questions, you can find out what you took into consideration to be the person you are today.

    These ideas can be very "hippie" but I don't want to sound like that, it's a very interesting topic that I hope will never be compared with some pacifist idea.

    I hope you understand what I mean, it's very entertaining and interesting this theory.

Te han explicado mal el efecto mariposa: casi todo está predeterminado


  1. sounds very crazy!
    Now I can't stop thinking about the consequences of my actions, and how commenting on your blog while eating a cookie can be generating repercussions, lol

  2. Lately I have questioned very much the turns that life gives, and I have asked myself all the questions that you mention jiji, it is very crazy.

  3. Bro I love this topic, in fact there's a game called "Life is Strange" and a movie called "The Butterfly Effect" that show exactly how a small action that we do can have big consequences, from ending up in prison or causing the destruction of a town. :o

  4. This theory it's amazing! It takes you to an multilevel world where everything it’s possible when you have the tremendous number of variables acting with each other’s. Thanks for the refresh!

  5. this is a really interesting topic, and personally I think it is a little bit scary too jeje

  6. I loved you explanation <3 thanks for sharing this, I think it's very interesting, I knew this theory when i watched the movie The Butterfly Effect, greetings!


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