
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

"The flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane in another part of the world"

     Hello again, in this post, apparently the last one, I will talk about a topic that I love. It won't be the music this time. It will be a theory that I have been studying for almost 4 years: the "chaos theory" or better known as "the butterfly effect". The theory explains that every event can trigger even bigger events, giant consequences with other people, facts or things. Have you ever heard the phrase "everything happens for a reason", well, chaos theory would explain that premise.      How? Let's say I decide not to write this blog, my mark is deficient in English and I will have to repeat the course next semester, I will not have a free scholarship, therefore I will have to leave the university.       It ends up in uncontrollable events over time. This, on a small scale, is even more complicated when studying on a global scale, where everything that happens in Australia could have repercussions in Europe, how? who knows.The way to explain

"I've talked about this before"

     Hi! I think I've talked about this before, but it's something I really like to talk about.       What I want to continue studying later, in the future. I would like to study, later on, in the future, Cultural Studies. Specifically, Cultural Anthropology, because it's a subject I like very much in anthropology.      The main reason is to be able to give more relevance to native peoples in Chilean society. Especially, the peoples that are not identified as such. Although cultural studies are very varied, I would like to be able to study them closely, to show that the original peoples (exterminated by the Chilean and Argentine state) in Patagonia have not disappeared. The identity of these peoples is very important to me.       Even though I should study this subject in Chile (obviously because I want to study the people of this territory), the State does not give it the importance it deserves, so it becomes a neglected topic. I would like to study it in Chile, but also t

"Identity is not easy to identify"

     Hi! In my fifth post I want to talk about the work I want to do in the future. It is difficult to talk about the identity of native peoples. These native peoples have been exterminated by colonialism and the Chilean state. However, what I want to do is to help Chilean society understand the existence of the native peoples of the south of the country. However, what I want to do is to help Chilean society understand the existence of the native peoples of the south of the country.      Specifically, my work would make the native peoples not only recognized, but also understood.      The most fun part of it is that it's a field job, so I'll be constantly on the move, on something I really love. All this has a lot of travel, because it is constantly studying the native peoples and their lives.       As it is difficult to talk about identity, it is also difficult to talk about salary: currently, in the State of Chile, who would pay for a study that talks about the indigenous gen